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Using a pseudo programming interface, it allows that simply by drawing the process in the component, it is already operational, considerably reducing the process implementation time.

It operates in HA (High Availability) mode, which allows

that mission-critical applications never stop

operate for users.

Allows easy implementation of alarms and

control panels that provide all kinds

of information using statistical graphs.

It is integrated at the programming level using the innovative Flujvision components of rapid development systems to create visual interfaces, which use design templates written in the word processor Word or similar. This dramatically reduces the development, implementation and maintenance times of the application.

It allows processes to be inherited between remote servers and through programming in Flujvision it allows the integration of other information systems.

        Can operate on computers

                   and mobile devices

                        Allows the implementation of applications of                                   management based on process execution                                                                                    established.

It has an interface with a high level of usability, which makes it easier for the end users of the applications to use the process flows that are established, allowing the tasks that are the responsibility of each user of the system to be highlighted.


System of 

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