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Custom software

We create custom software development solutions, based on research and innovation. We listen to your needs to turn them into solutions, significantly reducing time and costs.


We specialize in different areas of technology and communications, with the aim of improving the performance of your company, your production processes and contributing to the growth of your business.


Website Solutions

We develop various platforms in WEB environments, allowing us to integrate with other information systems that allow you to connect your work areas and have unified control of your processes.

Mobile Solutions

Our Flujdroid product allows the rapid implementation of mobile solutions, which operate on cell phones or tablets. Applications that can operate in offline mode or by connecting to a WEB server.



Informatic security

Our extensive experience in administration and security on Unix/Linux systems allows us to offer low-cost solutions in the implementation of Firewalls, data centers, information repositories that allow sharing information with Windows and Linux systems.


Software factory

The Outsourcing service allows you to outsource your company's software development, lowering costs, reducing the time needed to put the system into operation and ensuring quality, compliance and estimated budgets.


IVR systems

Our FlujIvr system allows you to quickly implement incoming call response systems, as well as automated decision trees, which allow you to run audio response systems.






Marking Systems

FlujMarcador, our product for generating massive outgoing calls, is ideal for operating in Outbound Callcenters, since it facilitates the implementation of groups of managers, dialing campaigns and execution dates by integrating into their databases.

BPM systems

Our FlujBpm product allows that simply by drawing the process in the component, it becomes operational, considerably reducing the process implementation time.




IA systems

FlujIA, our artificial intelligence engine, is based on genetic programming concepts, which are used to solve problems that cannot be solved using traditional AI systems and neural networks.



Our Solutions

FlujExe: Runtime required for the execution of Flujvision on Web platforms, operating on JEE platforms, it facilitates the implementation of High Availability solutions.


FlujMarcador: Basis for the development of dialing applications on voice/ip platforms.


FlujIvr: Runtime required for the execution of Flujvision on platforms that operate over Voice/IP, for the implementation of IVR.


Languages and technologies



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Bogotá - Colombia

Phone: (57)(1)7735138  Cel: (57) 3214114265

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